Toilet Seat Raisers and Toilet Seats with Armrests Comparison Table

Better Living Adjustable toilet seat raiser Etac Cloo height-adjustable raised toilet seat with armrests Etac Hi-Loo raised toilet seat with armrests Etac toilet seat with armrests
Toilet seat raiser front view with lid up Etac Cloo adjustable height toilet seat raiser mounted on toilet with lid open Etac Hi-Loo toilet seat raiser with armrests mounted on toilet with lip open Etac supporter toilet seat with armrests mounted on toilet with one armrest up
Overview Great value for money. Height adjustable for comfort and changing needs. Built-in splash guard. Height adjustable for comfort and changing needs. Set with a slight anterior tilt. Removable seat unit for cleaning. Recess in both front and back for personal hygiene access. Snap off seat unit for cleaning. No pinch risk between seat and armrests. Toilet seat with arm supports. Seat with large opening. Spacious, safe transfer. No pinch risk between seat and armrests.
Height adjustable ✔ adjustable to 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm ✔ adjustable to 6 cm, 10 cm and 14 cm* (*14 cm requires an extra set of height adjusters) Fixed height available in 6 cm or 10 cm Fixed height at 2 cm (standard toilet seat height)
Installation ✔ Fits standard toilets** (bolt hole distance up to 330 mm apart)
✔ Tool free installation
✔ Fits standard toilets** (bolt hole distance up to 185 mm apart)
✔ Tool free installation
✔ Fits standard toilets** (bolt hole distance between 128 mm - 202 mm)
✔ Tool free installation
✔ Fits standard toilets** (bolt hole distance between 128 mm - 202 mm)
✔ Tool free installation
Max. user weight 136 kg 150 kg 150 kg 150 kg
Arm supports***
ARTG registered medical device
Can be set with anterior tilt
Optional accessories Set of extra height adjusters $60 Limited space attachment kit $60
Etac Hi-Loo brackets $60
Limited space attachment kit $60
Price $160 $395 6cm: $535
10cm: $545

**NOT compatible with hidden/concealed hinge toilets. A "concealed hinge toilet" refers to a toilet where the hinges are hidden from view, meaning the mounting bolts are not visible nor accessible from the side or underneath.

***Arm supports: all are individually foldable, optionally removable and can be used with one arm support, or no arm supports.


A printable comparison table is available here